Monday, April 12, 2010


So, another topic that came up in the Dramatic Conversation last night was that of a Thought-Tracking Pie Chart. I proposed the question to my companion of "What does a 'normal' person think about?" because I know that my thought process occupation has been skewed for years.

Another thing I know about myself (sorry, I didn't quite mean for this to become the Jag-Self-Discovery blog, anyone else is welcome to post as superfluously as I do) is that for me, relationships have always been a sideline, if they've registered on my radar at all. Usually it's just been something that comes along, and, since it's convenient and I don't have to do any of the pursuing work, I go with the flow. I don't put effort into them, generally. But once they're over! Oh! THAT is when Jag shines with all her self-discovery "I'll change, I promise!" bending-over-backwards to please and appease. Because THAT is when KFKD speaks up. Nay, BLARES.

Anyway. Courtesy of Excel, we have:

Jag's Everyday Brain
Pie Normal

Jag's CRISIS OMG Brain
Pie Crisis

Jag's Ideal Brain
Pie Ideal

And you know what else I've come to realize? I'm anal. That's who I am. I obsess. I plan. THAT'S WHO I AM. And I don't have to try and change that! It's as inherent to me as my hair or eye color. It works for me.

Ok. That's it for me. Until tomorrow, Top Gun Girls.


  1. Love the pie chat. I so understand about the anal thing I'm not quite so comfortable with it though. Drives me insane. One more thing I am is selfish selfish selfish. I need some self developement.

  2. Welcome to the Proud-to-Be-OCD club, Jaguar. :P I think I was born with a planner in my hand.

  3. So I'm the odd man out here, I guess :-P

    Doing too much planning of any sort makes me upset. It takes ALL the fun out of ANYTHING I do. I think if I feel like my life is too planned out, it doesn't leave any room for chance to be thrown my way. I would hate to know where I'll be in the next five years. Goals, yes, set in stone plans, NO WAY.

    I seem to be the only one, though.

  4. Perhaps you are in this particular group, but not in the world at-large. Uber-planners like Jaguar, Dolly and I need Uber-non-planners like you to balance us out and remind us that we can't actually control everything about our lives, and that that's okay.
