Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Short Post

...because I woke up in such a dang good mood this morning, I want to share.

I can't even describe how rewarded I feel. For the first time in a long time (probably since late HS), I'm really, truly happy with what I'm doing. I picked nursing, or, nursing picked me, and I feel already like I've settled into my calling. On my way driving home from Dolly's apartment last night, it struck me: my purpose in this life is to share my joy, my light, my hope, my love, my optimism, and bring healing to people in whatever form Healing is needed in each individual. I am my name. I was created to help. I suffered through the trials of early HS and late college so that I could grow sympathy, compassion, and a heart for others. I was shown selfless love so that I could show it to anyone, everyone. I was shown hurt so that I could understand hurt.

On top of all that semi-deep nonsense, again, for the first time in a long time, I woke up when my first (of three) alarms went off, I auto-piloted on turning it off, and I laid back down, expecting that wave of defeat and pain to pass through me like it does most mornings, the feeling of "How can I do this? How can I fight another day? I've fought for too long, and I'm tired; I'm weary to my soul." You know what? It didn't. I laid there for about 15 minutes before I decided, "You know what? I'm ready for today. I'm ready to spread what light I can spread over the next 18 hours. Whatever I have in me to give today, I want to give; I'm ready to give again."

I know how a single unexpected smile or kind word can turn a no-good, awful, horrible, terrible day into an amazing one. I know how some simple gesture can fill a day with warmth. And that's what I do. That's who I am.

I am.


  1. This is an excellent post with which to start your day. Thanks for sharing your revelationz!

  2. Awesome Jaguar. That is a great way to wake up.

  3. I'm glad you're loving nursing, Jaguar, and yay for waking up on the happy side of the bed.
